Chita Cap

Be aware of COVID-19 Ready to deal with it quickly!!

COVID-19 is a virus in the coronavirus family. very small cannot be seen with the naked eye or by a commonly used microscope Bacteria can spread through objects contaminated with germs. It lasts for days without cleaning. If you use your hands to touch things and then bring it to touch the face. or put food in your mouth Can be infected as well as direct contact with the patient. therefore should be careful Clean potentially contaminated surfaces frequently. and wash your hands often.

If you have the following symptoms Should see a doctor immediately.

1. Fever more than 37 degrees.

2. Shortness of breath, shortness of breath.

3. Sore throat, cough, phlegm.

4. Fluid diarrhea, diarrhea.

5. The meat swells and can’t eat anything.

6. The chest tightness.

Avoid risky places as follows

1. crowded place.

2. Public transportation, taxi, bus or BTS, MRT, Airport Link.

3. Shopping malls, hotels, fitness.

4. Hospital.

5. Banknotes, coins, tickets.

6. Cinema.

7. ATM machines, handrails, elevator buttons, door knobs.

8. Restaurant.

9. Public restrooms.

10. Transport to the airport.

Boost your immunity for prevention of COVID-19 with extracts from shiitake mushrooms to help.

1. Stimulate the immune system in the body

2. Increase immunity in various hormones

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