White sesame oil extract miracle from cereal.

White sesame oil extract miracle from cereal.

    “White Sesame”, a small seed plant that everyone is well known. It is a small but strong seed that is good for health. Because it is rich in nutrients that are very necessary for the body, such as providing 697 kcal of energy, 3.0 grams of water, 26.1 grams of protein, 64.2 grams of good fats, 64.2 grams of carbohydrates, and 90 milligrams of calcium. Also rich in omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9, white sesame seeds are often used for both health and beauty benefits.
  The magic of tiny grains “White Sesame.”   
1. Strengthen bones, white sesame oil extract. It is a source of many minerals that are good for bone health, such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, etc. According to the nutritional information, white sesame seeds Contains 6 times more calcium than cow’s milk and 20 times more than many vegetables, making it possible to eat white sesame oil on a regular basis, thereby enhancing bone growth. and strengthen and repair injured bones and muscles Reduce the risk of osteoporosis and prevent osteoarthritis.   
2. Reduce inflammation in white sesame oil Rich in important minerals such as copper. That has anti-inflammatory effects It also contains a large amount of phenol, a substance in the lignan group found only in sesame oil extract. These include sesamin, sesamol, and sesamolin. There has been research on sesamin in sesame seeds for its effect in treating osteoarthritis. It has been found that it has a significant inhibitory effect on substances that destroy cartilage. The substance sesamin from sesame oil will increase the thickness of the cartilage. to reduce the loss and increase the amount of collagen and proteoglycan (Proteoglycans) that are important components of the cartilage structure. 
3. Reduce the risk of cancer white sesame oil It is rich in magnesium, a source of phytate, which acts as an antioxidant that is one of the main culprits in the development of cancer cells and serious chronic diseases.   
4. Reduce insomnia in white sesame oil extract contains vitamin B. To help people who are experiencing “insomnia” due to the B vitamins in sesame oil extract. Helping the nervous system to work better Helps to nourish the nervous system Reduce stress on the brain Thus helping to sleep better and sleep more deeply. 5. Reduce cholesterol levels in the white sesame oil extraction process. It also contains unsaturated fats that are good for the body, such as omega 3 and omega 6, which can help reduce cholesterol and fat deposits in the blood vessels that cause cardiovascular disease.    All this is just one part of the magic of tiny grains like “White Sesame” only There are many more miracles that only the sesame oil extract can do. But with the main components of sesame oil extract, it provides quite high energy. therefore should not exceed 15 grams per day (1000 milligrams = 1 gram) And should be more careful in choosing a dietary supplement that is truly pure white sesame extract. Because there are some sources that make sesame flavor to attract attention. and should choose a reliable source There are valid standards to guarantee the nutritional value that we can get from sesame juice extract. To benefit the body that we should receive fully.
Reference by.
1. Articles, “Sesame”, Small but Jaew Grain Cereals, The Heart Foundation of Thailand under royal patronage.
2. Articles, sesame reduces blood cholesterol levels. Prevent coronary heart disease, Heart Foundation of Thailand under royal patronage.
3. Sesame Seeds, Healthy Grains, Kasamaporn Pantabutr, Process and Processing Department, Institute of Food Research and Development, Kasetsart
University.Sorted by Thai Health Products (THP).

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