Yod Racha Herbs restore performance and increase physical energy.

Yod Racha Herbs restore performance and increase physical energy.

Current health problems that cause concern reduce the confidence of both men and lady is a condition in which the body has erectile dysfunction Or if it happens to a man, it is called an erectile dysfunction: a state of insufficient erection of the penis) and if it happens to a woman, it will result in various disturbing symptoms such as pain while having fuck (Dyspareunia)

Can be considered a condition in which the body is sexually impaired. It is like a warning sign of a malfunction that may begin in the cardiovascular system because during sexual arousal. The body relies on good blood flow to pump blood to the penis for it to be ready for use. Therefore, the decreased sexual performance does not indicate a specific problem. But it expresses the imbalance in our body as well.


  And when it comes to regaining performance Boost your energy in a natural way It would be inevitable that the king of herbs such as “Ginseng” and “Cymphony”. Both of these herbs are known for balancing within the body. and increase sexual performance with research studies on biological effects and pharmacological activity confirmed.

“Ginseng” helps restore the image.” A study in 45 patients with erectile dysfunction who took 900 mg of ginseng three times daily for two months found that it significantly improved sexual performance. statistically important.

“Cordyceps can help increase sexual performance.” A study in 22 men with a history of using cordyceps as a dietary supplement found that it could increase the number of sperm in the semen by 33% and have the effect of reducing sperm abnormalities. up to 29%, and also significantly increased symptoms and sexual desire by 66%.

Therefore, natural products that contain a mixture of “ginseng” and “containing cordyceps” when eaten into the body, the drugs contained in ginseng will help stimulate the body to produce red blood cells. Adjust your heart rate back to normal. Makes the blood pumping in the body more stable The important substances that go to restore sexual performance in both ginseng and cordyceps will have a boosting effect. Therefore, the efficiency of rehabilitation and capacity enhancement is doubled.

This is to allow the body to absorb the most important substances from ginseng and cordyceps. It is recommended to try products with vitamin E as one of the ingredients. Because vitamin E is an important vitamin that helps prevent hemolysis of red blood cells. Helps absorb free radicals that are the main cause of cell or tissue damage.In addition, vitamin E also helps prevent important substances from ginseng and cordyceps. Not to be destroyed by acids or chemicals in the stomach. This makes eating these two herbs have the most beneficial effect on the body.

    However, erectile dysfunction is not a condition that only affects the elderly. Currently we can find male patients aged 20-30 years have an 8% chance of experiencing erectile dysfunction. And it’s estimated by the U.S. Department of Health that erectile dysfunction cases will increase to 170 million by 2025, and although it’s open-ended these days, everyone is. Actually, looking at this is normal. or looking for help the wrong way It is a lost and worrisome health care. Because leaving it chronic, it may “causing another disease”.

Reference by

    1. Office of the Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth), www.vcharkarn.com, www.tpma.or.th, Dr. Somyot Kittimongkhon, Head of AIDS Group Bureau of AIDS Tuberculosis and STDs, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health.

    2. Articles disseminating knowledge to the public, www.pharmacy.mahidol.ac.th, Associate Professor Dr. Noppamas Sunthorncharoennon and Thidarat Chandon, Herbal Information Office. Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University.

    3. Drug information repository, www.pharmacy.mahidol.ac.th, Prof. Tossapon Chandee, Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University.

    4. Health Knowledge, www.vejthani.com, Health Rehabilitation Center, Vejthani Hospital.

    5. Health Articles, www.bangkokhealth.com, Dr. Worawut Charoensiri, Bangkok Health Research Center.

    6. Pharmacological effects of ginsenosides in American ginseng on health, Royal Thai Army Nursing Journal, Mr. Surapot Wongyai, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Sept.-Dec.) 2012.

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