Coconut oil Amazing value from nature.

Coconut Oil.

   It is one of the extracts that is widely accepted and used. It has also been used in the treatment of diseases such as treating burns, constipation, enteritis, oral disinfection, etc. Coconut Oil is an oil obtained from the extraction of coconut meat. by separating only the part of the oil It is divided into two types.

1. Coconut Oil (Refined Bleaching Deodorizing Coconut Oil: RBD) is an oil obtained from coconut meat or dried coconut meat (Copra) with a solvent extraction process. Through high heat through 3 processes, namely purification (Refining), bleaching (Bleaching) and deodorization. Deodorization results in coconut oil that is light yellow, odorless, tasteless and contains no more than 0.1% free fatty acids, but the vitamin E in coconut oil is eliminated.

2. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is coconut oil that is getting a lot of attention right now. The extraction process is not subjected to high heat and no chemical processing. The color is clear like water, contains vitamin E, not through the process of adding oxygen. It has low beroxide, low fatty acid, and has a mild coconut flavor.


    Coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids (more 90% of the total fatty acid content), which is saturated fatty acids from coconut oil. It is a fatty acid with a medium chain fatty acid that contains up to 63%, such as lauric acid, which when eaten and absorbed into the body. will be burned well Accumulated in adipose tissue and long chain fatty acids, the remaining 30% are long chain fatty acids, 7%, which is a group of essential fatty acids that are beneficial to the body. This is different from the long chain fatty acids found in milk, butter, cheese and all animal fats. that are harmful to health which should be avoided and with a different structure of fatty acids from coconut oil It has great health benefits. when we eat coconut oil The body will absorb it immediately. and will pass to the liver The liver then converts these fatty acids into ketones. This ketone is a substance that is an important source of energy for the brain. to help restore memory prevent Alzheimer’s disease Plus, the fatty acids from coconut oil will help your thyroid function better. As a result, the fat burning system, especially abdominal fat, works better. thereby helping to prevent coronary heart disease including preventing high blood pressure In addition, a by-product of an increased metabolic rate. Fats and sugars that are stored in the body are burned for energy. helps to reduce sugar levels and reduce the incidence of diabetes In addition, coconut oil also helps nourish the skin. Moisturizes skin, nourishes hair, helps kill bacteria. and fungi as well.

    However, eating “cold pressed coconut oil” should choose a standard product. It is well packed and stored. to maintain the quality of the extract and reduce contamination before we eat into the body and eating cold-pressed coconut oil to aid in weight loss It is recommended to eat together with a proper diet on a daily basis. and exercise regularly.

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